Opening up doors for local partners and investors

The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation

thinklink began its partnership with the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) in April 2020. CSVR is an independent non-governmental organisation established in South Africa in 1989. It is a multi-disciplinary institute that seeks to understand and prevent violence, heal its effects, and build sustainable peace at the community, national and regional levels.

Through research, advocacy and psychosocial support work, and in collaboration with communities affected by violence, CSVR seeks to enhance state accountability, promote gender equality, and build social cohesion, integration and active citizenship.

The organisation’s work is focused on the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • Goal 3:  Good Health and Well-Being 
  • Goal 5:  Gender Equality
  • Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goal

The partnership between CSVR and thinklink was an easy one to establish, as the values of both parties  are aligned in making a positive impact on society.

One of the key challenges faced by CSVR was engaging local partners in South Africa. Most of it’s partners and donors are international, and this was an area that the organisation identified as an issue needing assistance. In supporting the organisation with this challenge, thinklink developed a local partnership and engagement strategy. This helped open the doors to useful conversations with numerous stakeholders, including investors. This strategy has resulted in thinklink raising funding for the important work of CSVR, in excess of R60 million to date, from local partners

“They know how to get you through the door to have engagements with partners that matter, and assisted us in every step of that journey. Not only was thinklink able to set up meetings between us and key potential donors, but they also assisted us in shaping the content of both the presentations to potential partners, and the subsequent concept notes and proposals.”
Annah Moyo, Executive Director, CSVR
“Through their excellent stakeholder management skills, we were able to receive repeat funding from many of the donors with which they facilitated engagement. In addition, we have been invited to collaborate with donors in other spaces outside of the grant, thus solidifying these relationships. thinklink is also helping us develop innovative financing models to bring greater sustainability to our organisation in the long run.”
Celeste Matross, MHPSS Programme Manager, CSVR

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